Why was is v1.2 so lacking in features/bug fixes compared to v1.1?
Anything else?
What is GrayAMP?
GrayAMP is an MP3 player, plain and simple. It is small and lightweight but includes all the major features you need in a player (such as full playlist support). The interface is Finder-like and MacOS 8 friendly. In the spirit of MP3s, GrayAMP is free.
Why doesn't GrayAMP do xyz?
The most frequently requested features for GrayAMP are a time slider/fast forward/rewind/etc. These concern the MP3 playback engine, which is the problem. For you see, the source code to the playback engine was...well...lost. Its doing all that it supports right now, and writing a new playback engine isn't on the list of things to do (its freeware, remember).
Otherwise, most things can be added easily in future versions, such as ID3 support (although thats still a lot of work).
Can GrayAMP stream MP3s?
No, but AMP Radio from Subband (http://www.subband.com) can </plug>.
Does GrayAMP play VBR or MP3U or <wierd MP3 format here>?
No, probably not, and probably not. Thats the price you pay for speed.
What's all this about UPF?
UPF, Universal Playlist Format, is an attempt to standardize playlist formats among all the MacOS MP3 players. Currently every player has its own format, so playlists saved in player X won't load in player Y. UPF is an open format that should work fine for all current players, you can download the spec and even the current C implementation (if you're a programmer) at http://www.eckysoft.com/opensource/upf/.
Why is v1.2 so lacking in features/bug fixes compared to v1.1?
Quite simply, v1.2 is a strategic release to encourage support for UPF and Subband inc. Evil, yes, but not totally devoid of value.
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